Thursday, 17 November 2011


Busy days, busy days....  Good, but busy days.  Life this past week has been a whirlwind.  So many things to do.  It seems that days are never long enough to fit everything in.  Before I blink, the day is gone.  I've been contemplating getting a weekly planner lately.  I've never had one and never felt compelled to want one until recently.  Now it seems I need one! I want each day to be as productive as possible.  And I'm not so sure that "winging it" from day to day has been the best direction.  I don't feel like I forget to do things... though maybe I forget all that I could be doing that would be more meaningful. 

Life is short.  The older I get, the shorter it seems.  Why is that?  Any answers anyone?  It makes me remember how precious time is and how fleeting my little life is.  I'm reminded that there is so much more than this life, this place... 

How do I make the most of the time God gives me?  Lord, keep teaching me...

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Life on 11/5/11

I suppose I could enjoy blogging more if I looked at it as journaling.  I love to journal.  I wish I made it a bigger priority though...  it never fails to be therpeutic and calming.  My tendancy is to journal only when I'm ecstatically excited about something or really mad.  Today, I'm neither really... simply feeling the urge to blog about life in my shoes today.

So... life.  Well, this morning (since it's Saturday) we slept in till 8am.    We had devotions, ate yogurt, granola and cottage cheese (awesome combo, you should try it), and ventured off to help our friends and fellow camp staff move into their new house.  Moving a whole house is quite different from just transferring apartment items.  It made me pretty pleased with how easy our moves seem in comparison.  Granted, we don't have 3 kids- come to think of it, we don't even have one. 

We helped and were served a "thank you" lunch, which we devoured.  At 2pm or so we had to head home to put a load of laundry in before the Marriage retreat banquet tonight.  Jason is serving tonight and both his white dress shirts were dirty.  While I waited for it to get done, I played guitar!  I wish I could truthfully make that statement more often.  Sadly, playing guitar isn't a habit I engage in often.  I can play, but I feel like I've sort of hit a wall until I get instruction from a "gifted guitarist."  Sadly, I'm not one of those "pick it up and learn it on your own" people.  I need tips and instruction!

At 4:20pm  we drove to Camp.  And here I sit as Jason serves for the Banquet.  Soon I will begin entering Wintertainment registrations.  Then at 8pm we are in the Marriage Retreat session, being "quized" on each other in front of the campers.  THEN at 9pm or so we head to the Mann's... to play Settler's of Catan and maybe watch a movie with them until it's time for bed.  And Whoo-hoo! Tonight we GAIN an hour of sleep!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

I miss these little ones!

Oh how I miss my little neice and nephew!  The ones who live WAY out in AZ.  Of course I miss my bro and his wife like crazy too, but when the little ones are so tiny and sprouting like mad you want them to get to know you and you want to see them grow!  I know... they're not my kids... but I adore them... so I'm braggin' on them... and here are few pics...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Vibrant colors gone. Joy? Abundant still!

The Fall colors decided to leave.  Just this past week nearly all of them glided to the ground.  Now we are left with barren trees, soon to be met with freezing temps.  And here begins my least favorite season, blanketed with a lifeless looking forest.  But within months snow will be here, and will make up for the current lack with it's unique beauty. 

Still, God is the Creator of it all.  And despite the season, there is always beauty in His creation. 

Amazing is His handiwork in creation.  Each day I am awed at how I fail in ability to even make my heart beat; to understand how anything created within me functions.  And yet on I live.  Certain that each day is a gift from Him.  Yearning desparately to give back to the Savior who gave all.

Two weekends back, trekking thru Camp's trails...
A lake at Camp, beautifully colored.

Vibrant fallen leaves!

Enjoying a Fall walk two weekends ago!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

"Lord, Change my Attitude!"

I'm beginning to go through a book with the wives at Camp, written by James MacDonald,  called "Lord, Change my Attitude."  I'll admit, when I first opened the pages, it was easy to think, "This book isn't for me!  I have my attitudes pretty under control and I'm an optimistic person!"  But after going through the introduction and reading through Numbers 13-14 about the Isrealites and all their griping and unbelief, I realized, "Hmm...  I do that way more than I want to admit!" 

I'm excited about what God will show me about myself through this study- what He will reveal.  I know I'm yucky in heart too often.  And there are many things that are culturally acceptable that can "become" too easily acceptable if I'm not careful.  

It seems lately that God's been speaking to me, "You're not of this world.  You're in it, but not of it.  Believe and live like you believe that's true." 

Yes, Lord, I want that.  Help me "change my attitude" in response to life.  Make me more like You.  I love You.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Can't we get some real news?

I wonder if anyone's like me...  I wake up in the  morning to turn on the news, hoping to get an update on important things that have happened in our nation and globally, I get that for about 5 minutes (10 max) and the next 45 minutes are about Hollywood, the Emmy awards and Dancing with the Stars.  Really???!  There isn't anything more pressing going on?  I fail to believe that. 

Again, a downfall of not paying 50 bucks a month for cable.  Why can't we purchase one channel for, say, $10 a month?  I'd do it.  And I'd choose FoxNews. 


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

September 16, 2011

I'm never sure what to write. But I feel like I should be updating our blog. So I'll just recap what our past few weeks have looked like.
 About a month ago we left for a long trip. First to the Twin Cities for a wedding shower- mainly family time but we also had a great afternoon visiting my old roomie and her hubby.  Second, off to Rochester, MN for support-related stuff and to visit family.  And lastly, we headed to Bemidji, MN because my brother and his family were there from Arizona for a wedding!  I had SUCH a great time with my family- I don't get to see dad or my brother and his family too often.  We also got to see my sister and her kids- which we so enjoyed.  We also visited more friends and accomplished some support-related things. It was a great trip.
 But wow! Talk about sleeping in a lot of various places! In someone's living room... bedroom... loft... floor... We had fun though and a great experience- amazing fellowship with friends and family. We were gone so long from home, we nearly forgot what it was like to be here! We had tons of time with nephews and neices (of course we loved that). But it was so good to get back to Wisconsin and to Camp.
And now the cold weather is hitting. Our squash has died from last nights frost. Goodbye fresh produce from our garden- it was good while it lasted. We still have some stored that will last a few months. The butternut squash will last a while and that's my favorite...

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Today is sunny and hot! But so nice. And what are we up to? Support related stuff and getting ready to head out of town for 3 weeks tomorrow! First, we'll be in the Twin Cities for Jason's cousin's bridal shower (and visiting other friends), then we head to Rochester for a few days to meet with friends (staying w/ Jason's parents), then off to Bemidji! My little bro and his family will be in Bemidji from AZ for 4 days and we can't miss that. We only get to see them once a year. Along with visiting them, we'll be making more contacts for our support. We're at 85%!
We're praying God brings us to full support soon. Our hearts are itching to be back at Camp full-time. We know God will provide, it's just the "when" that we're unsure of. But man, it's great knowing God's in control and His timing is perfect!

Friday, 5 August 2011

So faithful.

I love the book of Job. Jason and I were reading through it together the other day and I'm so struck at Job's faithfulness. He lost all his livestock- thousands of animals; all his many servants; and all 10 of his kids! I can't even fathom experiencing that much heartache. But what was His response?

"Then Job arose and tore his clothes and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshipped. He said,

'Naked I came from my mother's womb,
and naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.'

Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God."

Job 1: 20-22

When trials come will we blame God and turn away from Him? Or will we be faithful, as Job was faithful and praise His name through it- remembering God's goodness and sovereignty despite how we feel?

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Mystery Trip 2011: God accomplishes His will through His people.

This past week was amazing. God taught us so many things- our passion was ignited and we were so pumped at how God works. Jason was given an opportunity to speak on one of Camp Forest Springs' wilderness trips- the Mystery Trip. And I got to tag-along :) It was a high school wilderness trip where kids work together to figure out clues that tell them what their next adventure is. When the kids arrived, we were unsure of how the week would go. Many of the kids would never have chosen just to "hang out" with one other, but on this trip they were forced to work together and become friends. I think it stretched them in such a good way. Most of the kids came from broken homes and some from foster care. It's heartbreaking how broken apart families are and how messed up the "family" in America has become. The kids get caught in the middle and experience so much pain through it all.

Jason was asked to speak on Colossians 3, but soon realized he would need to change his agenda based on where the kids were spiritually. He shared the Gospel with them all throughout the week and he, Clark, and Anna shared their testimonies. God was right there with us all throughout the week. We bonded as a group and trust was built. It felt like we all became family.

These kids needed desparately to hear about God's love for them- that God doesn't cause the pain we experience in life. It's sin and the consequences of ours and other's that causes us pain. God wants to carry us through it and we CAN trust Him.

I could go on and on with stories of how we were challenged, how the kids were challenged, one-on-one conversations we had with them, ways that God showed Himself to them for the first time... but I'll only share one.

We had a girl in our group who was in foster care. Her heart was in so much pain over things she's been through and on the first day she told us that God takes away our joy to get the glory for Himself. She was very quiet and always chose the picnic table and seat farthest away from anyone. After Day #1 she wanted to go home. I talked with her and shared my testimony with her, telling her of God's love for her- she listened. All week she intently listened when Jason spoke. All of what we were sharing was new to her and she was soaking it in. As the week went on she began to smile more. She began to interact more and you could tell she was having so much fun. On day 3 she asked us if Camp ever had a month-long camp!! On Friday, we debriefed with the kids. Jason asked them what their highs were for the week and what they had learned about God. We didn't expect Mariah to share much because of her personality, but when she opened her mouth and began to speak, tears flooded my eyes.

She said that week the counselors testimony's meant a lot to her. To know she wasn't the only one experiencing pain and that God can bring her through her pain in the same way they brought us through ours, was very powerful to her. And she told us a story, but before I tell it, I must rewind a bit...

On day #2 of the trip, one of our trip leaders, Adam, lost his $70 watch while we were having chicken fights in the lake. He was devastated and asked us all to help him search for it. After searching and searching and then leaving so that water could settle, and coming back to search some more, we all gave up. And Adam concluded he'd never find the watch and that was that.

Mariah told us that the next day while we were all playing again in the water and no one was thinking about the watch, she prayed to God- for the 1st time ever- that God would help someone find Adam's watch. FIVE minutes later a girl from our group stepped on his watch and found it!

This was so profound to her! And it brought me to tears how God works to bring people to Him in such simple but piercing ways. That night we gave her a Bible and while all the other girls were painting their nails, she was on her bunk reading Scripture. That night, after lights went out, she had her flashlight and was still reading.

Another girl from our group is going to start coming to church with us every other Sunday- when she's not with her dad.

God moves, even when we can't always see it. He's working to draw people to Himself. And that was so evident this week. Keep living for Him in your workplaces- keep sharing your testimony with unbelievers. No matter how stupid or useless you may think you're words are- God will use them in ways you may never know.

Here are some pictures from the trip...

Friday, 27 May 2011

May 27, 2011

Today is such a beautiful day. It would be perfect were it not for the swarms of black flies we get out here. But they're only for a season. We'd take summer + bugs any day over the cold winter months!
Today I've been plugging away at youth registrations- entering them into the computer, calling parents, balancing the accounts, mailing out confirmations. And there's still so much to do! We've probably received 30+ registrations in the past week. And we're praying we get many more. For the past 1 1/2 weeks, I've been filling in for Kerra, who just got married and is now on her honeymoon. Next week she'll be back in the office and then Jason and I can focus more on raising our support.
Today Jason went to help Dan (in adventure ministries) build a dock out at the Flambough River. He's been gone since 8am this morning and probably won't get back until later this evening.
Memorial Day Family camp is this weekend! Lots of families arrive tonight. Jason and I aren't teaching this year (like we did last), because we don't have all our support in, but this weekend we will be helping Diane in her class with the elementary kids. Busy weekend for everyone!
Starting on Monday we'll start prepping for our church visit next weekend. We've been generously given 5-7 minutes during the worship service and 45 minutes during the Sunday School service. What a blessing! We're praying God impresses the desire on more people's hearts next weekend to give to what we'll be doing here at camp. We'd still love to be able to serve full-time here this summer.
Gotta head home, eat some supper, and call a friend...

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Praise God!!

Prayer answered: we have another church supporting us! We're so pumped. We'll be sharing with another in two weekends and are looking forward to that. Nerve-wrecking, but exciting.

Yesterday we planted some veggies in our small garden. I hope they pop up soon. And I sure as heck hope they produce something for us!

Friday, 29 April 2011

Sickness... Go away!!

Jason's been sick EVER since we got in! He caught the flu somehow and for three days was bed-ridden. I've been playing nurse- making him chicken noodle soup, other soups, trying to get him to eat, making trips to the store to buy him medications... And I'm so happy to see him now improving!

The only thing decent about getting sick? It makes me realize how much I take my good health for granted and makes me so thankful that my body works most of the time! Even though I myself wasn't sick, I still was reminded of this.

In every situation we have something to be thankful for. I hope I remember this no matter what trials come my way.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

We move next week!

In less then one week, we'll be in a new place! -Renting our first home. Of course, it'll be fully furnished, but fun nonetheless. God provided, the price was right, and we're happy! It's a 4 bedroom house, with a garage (where we'll store our furniture), next to the Rib Lake High School and 5 minutes from Camp. Two of the bedrooms are being used for storage by the owners, but we'll be able to use the other two. Is moving fun? Nope. But soon it'll be over and here's why we're looking forward to moving into this house:

1. Being "in" the community, we'll be able to develop relationships there- being so near to the school opens opportunities for ministry to students!

2. We'll be in our first home! (Even though it's not technically ours:) And we won't have to share walls with anyone.

3. They have a herb garden- yay!

4. We'll be within walking distance to the free work-out room in the high school. Since we go 3 times a week anyway, this will save on gas!

Here's some pictures!!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Warm weather, we've MISSED you!

We just had a storm yesterday. And it was 70+ degrees!! At this point in time, I'll take tornadoes over snow!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

New Hair-cut

I got a new hair cut- much shorter than I've ever been comfortable with. For... maybe 4 years now I've been wanting to cut it shorter- just to see if maaaaybe I might like it. Who knows until you try, right? So last week I decided, "What do I have to lose, other than hair? I already have my man- if he doesn't like it, I'll never do it again. If he does, wah-lah!" So I went to the salon and told them how I wanted it done, biting my tongue the entire time to prevent myself from changing my mind. They cut it. For a moment I regretted it, then I got over myself. IT'S JUST HAIR! All that to say, I do moderately like it and Jason's rather indifferent. Hair is hair. Long or short? I guess it'll depend on my mood from here on out.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

February 15th

I'm not creative with titles, so that's all your getting. It's been a LONG time since I've posted. Jason and I are in Rochester this week. We've been here since last Thursday. It's been great, visiting people and spending time with his family. Today we met with someone from his home church missions commitee. We leave... possibly tomorrow. Looking forward to it. It's nice staying with people, but it's only nice for so long.

What's God been teaching us? I'd say patience. Patience and faith. Every day we have to remember #1 He's in control. #2 He's our provider #3 When things don't make sense to us, they make perfect sense to Him. #4 When we pray and it doesn't seem He's listening, He's listening.

I love serving Christ. He's what this life is about. Every day I wonder how I can better reflect him. Every day I make mistakes. But every day is new and is another opportunity to reflect Him more clearly to this world. Life is exciting because of Him!