Tuesday 27 September 2011

"Lord, Change my Attitude!"

I'm beginning to go through a book with the wives at Camp, written by James MacDonald,  called "Lord, Change my Attitude."  I'll admit, when I first opened the pages, it was easy to think, "This book isn't for me!  I have my attitudes pretty under control and I'm an optimistic person!"  But after going through the introduction and reading through Numbers 13-14 about the Isrealites and all their griping and unbelief, I realized, "Hmm...  I do that way more than I want to admit!" 

I'm excited about what God will show me about myself through this study- what He will reveal.  I know I'm yucky in heart too often.  And there are many things that are culturally acceptable that can "become" too easily acceptable if I'm not careful.  

It seems lately that God's been speaking to me, "You're not of this world.  You're in it, but not of it.  Believe and live like you believe that's true." 

Yes, Lord, I want that.  Help me "change my attitude" in response to life.  Make me more like You.  I love You.

1 comment:

Susan Schulte said...

I enjoy reading your posts, so am encouraging you to keep it up! You do very well even when you "don't know what to write".
Looking forward to seeing you again in December! And hoping you'll have snow, but NOT as much as last year....we certainly don't want to miss it again!