Saturday, 5 November 2011

Life on 11/5/11

I suppose I could enjoy blogging more if I looked at it as journaling.  I love to journal.  I wish I made it a bigger priority though...  it never fails to be therpeutic and calming.  My tendancy is to journal only when I'm ecstatically excited about something or really mad.  Today, I'm neither really... simply feeling the urge to blog about life in my shoes today.

So... life.  Well, this morning (since it's Saturday) we slept in till 8am.    We had devotions, ate yogurt, granola and cottage cheese (awesome combo, you should try it), and ventured off to help our friends and fellow camp staff move into their new house.  Moving a whole house is quite different from just transferring apartment items.  It made me pretty pleased with how easy our moves seem in comparison.  Granted, we don't have 3 kids- come to think of it, we don't even have one. 

We helped and were served a "thank you" lunch, which we devoured.  At 2pm or so we had to head home to put a load of laundry in before the Marriage retreat banquet tonight.  Jason is serving tonight and both his white dress shirts were dirty.  While I waited for it to get done, I played guitar!  I wish I could truthfully make that statement more often.  Sadly, playing guitar isn't a habit I engage in often.  I can play, but I feel like I've sort of hit a wall until I get instruction from a "gifted guitarist."  Sadly, I'm not one of those "pick it up and learn it on your own" people.  I need tips and instruction!

At 4:20pm  we drove to Camp.  And here I sit as Jason serves for the Banquet.  Soon I will begin entering Wintertainment registrations.  Then at 8pm we are in the Marriage Retreat session, being "quized" on each other in front of the campers.  THEN at 9pm or so we head to the Mann's... to play Settler's of Catan and maybe watch a movie with them until it's time for bed.  And Whoo-hoo! Tonight we GAIN an hour of sleep!

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