Saturday, 18 October 2014

Less than 2 weeks!

Ok sure, I've been opposed to being one of "those moms" who constantly blogs or posts about pregnancy and kids.  Why?  I guess I can't exactly quantify it... could it be because we were "trying" for 3 years and it just wasn't happening and all the mommy blogs and posts irked me?  Quite possibly, yes.  Could it be because until I started feeling her kick my innards like crazy, it wasn't fully a reality?  Quite possibly, yes again.  Could it be because I don't really understand what it means to have a mother and have had a natural distaste of any mother-related topics?  *sigh* Again, sure.

Then I contemplate and realize... I need to get over myself.  It's okay for mom's to blog and post things about their experiences as a mother.  After all, for quite a while it becomes their whole life!  This is a new stage of life I'm entering and I know God will shape me and teach me a whole host of wonderful things through it.  Is that exciting?  Heck yes.  Is it scary?  Oh yeah.  But how cool to invest so fully in another life entrusted to you by God?  What a responsibility of crazy magnitude that parents have!

So we have less than 2 weeks left until my due date...  Labor sounds a tad painful.  For the life of me I can't wrap my brain around how it all works out, but I know God created it to happen so it'll happen- and if it doesn't happen naturally I'll get cut open by doctors and that'll be okay too.  My only strange and perhaps unrealistic fear (although we are in Wisconsin...) is that I'll go into labor at night, we'll hit a foolish dear on the road to Wausau, and Jason will have to deliver our baby on the side of the road (can he do it?).  If he pulled it off, I suppose it would make for a cool story...

In the end, painful or a breeze, it's another life-experience God will teach us things through.   And for that I'm excited.  He's got this whole thing in His hands.  What amazing peace that brings!

Friday, 13 June 2014

Friday and my lack of control of life.

Wow, I have a moment to blog.  I better type fast because this may be short-lived (hopefully).  At the moment I'm sitting at my desk at camp, twiddling my thumbs, overtaken by anxiety because I have SO much to do, but alas my hands are tied.  Why?  Because our lovely software provider (normally lovely), based in Kanukuk, MI, have servers that CRASHED this morning!  Aaaaand this affects everything I do.  I can't answer parents questions, all my voicemails, I can't respond to emails, I can't do cabin assignments, I can't print reports needed for Sunday, shall I go on?  But, if we're looking on the bright side, I have a moment to blog.

I don't even know what to write about... I could blog on and on about parenting because we'll be parents soon. But, no thanks.  I could blog on and on about pregnancy since I'm pregnant, but, again, no thanks.  All I will say is it's NO fun having a cold without being able to take Nyquil.  I'm a fan of Nyquil.  It's perfect for colds when you just can't sleep because you're clogged.  It puts me out, which gives me zzz's- a much needed thing when ill.  But, for a time, I understand I can't partake. 

All I can think of right now is "Please Kanukuk, fix your servers SOON!" 

Kid's Quest campers arrived 2 days ago.  Kids in 2-6th grade.  Of the 144 campers that are here, 107 are brand new campers!  This makes me happy.  They seem to be having a great time.  I thoroughly enjoy listening to them holler their camp cheers before meals.  Summer is here!  Since I've been so busy, I haven't had an opportunity to sit in on a session.  They have 2 each day, complete with puppets, singing and a teaching time.  Tomorrow they leave and on Sunday 240 other campers arrive!  Super exciting, super intense! 

It's way cool to know that so many different kids are here.  Those who believe in Christ and those who have never heard about Him, those who are mad at Him, and those who are curious, hurting, indifferent and passionate.  And they're all hearing the same message of the Gospel of Jesus and they each will respond to Him in some way.  Sometimes we see fruit; most often, seeds are planted that will one day take fruit.  And sadly, we know that seeds are planted that will, in some, never produce fruit.  We can plant and water, but God causes the growth.  Prayer is important! 

Good news, the servers are up and running again.  I have work to do.  It's been fun!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Thursday, 3/27/2014

Man alive, snowing AGAIN!  Can I just get a palm tree please, 80 degree weather, and the ocean?  I can't describe how blissful that sounds right now.  We keep thinking winter's going to pass...but it just lingers ooooooonnnnnnnn...  But, okay, I'll try to be content in the continuing temps and absence of all things green and colorful.

We continue to walk through busy weeks here in Wisconsin.  Jason's at camp right now working in the office and I'm here at home listening to Pandora.  I was working on youth camp stuff earlier, but recently was overcome with an urge to blog.  In a moment, I'll have devotions, which I'm seriously thirsty for right now.  If I get ambitious enough maybe I'll work out later.  Then... onto contemplating supper options.

Sometimes life gets overwhelming, for us so busy with ministry.  You're doing things FOR Christ constantly, but when you fail to nourish yourself in His presence you drain out and though what you're doing still has meaning, you're not as effective or passionate.  That about describes me in this moment, though I hate to admit it.  Devotions with Jason and with other believers is so important, but I desperately NEED solitude in God's Word and prayer. 

I'm so thankful Jesus set that example for me in His Word by going into the wilderness to pray.  Oh what I would give to be able to walk outside and sit by a lake in prayer.  But... for now, my living room will do the trick :)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Heavy heart...

I feel like the older I get, the more sensitive I am to the battle around me... and at times it's too much to take. The darkness in this world is overwhelming. Lies and sin generate that darkness, and though it's disguised as pleasure and tells people what they want to hear, it's path leads to pain and suffering. 

And I sit back, seeing those I love, who are caught up in this merry-go-round that's anything but merry.  I hate satan's lies.  The deceitfulness of sin blinds so many.  And the consequences?  Anger, depression, suicide, hatred, confusion, unforgiveness.  Satan exists to destroy... I long for the day when he'll be bound by chains and cast into the lake of fire. 

My heart breaks for those I love...who are now in chains. But I remember I was once in chains too... if only they could see that freedom comes through surrender... complete surrender. Pride and our culture scream the opposite message and our hearts condemn us as guilty.  Yes, we are broken... but there is a Healer.  We are hopeless, but there is Hope.  We don't deserve love, but there is Love...  Jesus Christ.  Through Him alone I've been cleansed of sin and guilt and can stand before my Father in Heaven as His daughter.  Because of Him and His sacrifice on the cross for me, I have nothing to fear.  By His grace, Living Water flows through me and shows me how to live this life.  And the peace... the peace He gives is everlasting and carries me through the darkest moments. 

Surrender... repentance... humility... words that our culture mocks, but words that lead to Life.  I want the world to see Jesus Christ.  My heart breaks... but my hope remains because God never stops working.

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
2 Peter 3:9