Saturday, 24 August 2013

What God taught me at Menards...

A couple days ago we decided to return several items to Menards that we bought for rebuilding our home, but never actually used.  It took several treks up and down our stairs to haul birch underlayment, insulation rolls, electrical gadgets, carpet and tile samples, and random other odds and ends.  We loaded up the open trailer that we borrowed from a friend and drove to Menards.  It was a super sunny day!

When we got there we parked the truck and trailer in the parking lot.  Everything was secured in place so we didn't think anything of leaving it in the lot for 10 minutes while we printed receipts at the kiosk.  We were inside for 2 minutes before I ran out to the truck to grab something we needed.  On my way back to the front doors, I noticed a man outside pushing a load of insulation in a flat cart.  I didn't think much of it other than feeling sorry for him that he had to endure such a nasty, itchy job!  We were inside for 5-10 minutes more, then went to the truck to start hauling stuff into Menards.  When we got to the trailer, a huge roll of insulation was gone!  Obviously gone!  It had been there when we arrived, so we knew someone had stolen it.  But in broad daylight?  Not far from the entry to Menards?  With 2 Menards employees standing in the cart shed?  Really? 

We both started fuming inside.  WHO would do this?  Who's morals are so jacked that they would do this- they clearly had to have been watching us and jumped out at the most opportune time to take a roll.  Were they hoping we wouldn't notice?  Why one?  Why not all 5 rolls?  I guess that would have been TOO obvious.  Was it the man we had noticed hauling a load of insulation?

Our eyes scanned the parking lot in suspicion and anger.  Everyone was suspect. The dominating thought in my head was "Trust no one!"  Jason was angry and could have attacked any man he saw carrying a roll of insulation!  Thank God no one was...

He went inside to ask if Menards had any cameras in their parking lot while I guarded the rest of our stuff.  Yeah... me and all my ninja moves.  As I was sitting there, I was still fuming inside and I begin to question why I was so mad.   After all, it was just 1 roll of insulation, worth about $15.  I know people steal... all the time.  This doesn't make it right, but why was I reacting as if someone had taken my right arm?  I know people steal, but I suppose it's more painful and unavoidable when it's personal...  I began thinking a lot about the grace of God.  HOW can He be so full of grace when people offend Him constantly.  Stealing is SO contrast to His nature.  I always knew it was, but somehow, on that day, it was more clear to me.  Sin is SO in contrast with His nature, and how can He look past it?  He CAN'T look past it outside of Jesus Christ covering people through His death on the cross!  It was very clear to me that day that there ARE enemies of God everywhere.  We all are enemies of God if we haven't put our faith in Christ.  We have NO right to stand before God alone.  No right and no hope.  I was amazed as I was sitting there at God's grace in light of His justice... and so thankful that I've been forgiven through His Son!  Yet... I was still angry at the thief...

I've been thinking a lot lately about Colossians 3, which says to "set your mind on things above."  Since I was fuming, I figured maybe it was wise to apply that, so I started thinking about what God's Word says to our situation on how we should respond, and this verse came to mind...

"If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them." Luke 6:29

WHAT?!  Had I seen the dude, I should have handed him another roll of insulation??  Really God?  And He gently answered "yes" as I kept thinking about other passages like Matthew 5:44, "I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." 

Wow, how God's will is so different from our nature!!  Though I love God, have committed my heart and soul to Him, and strive to serve Him, I still in that moment wanted to take out the thief who stole our roll!  But as I repeated these verses to myself, I began to calm down.  Yes, he does want me to love whoever stole from us... why?  Why should I love him?  Because God loves him and wishes that none perish. "He is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.

God's grace is amazing.  ESPECIALLY in light of his holiness.  Because of that incident at Menards, I worship Him even more.  I'm even more awed at this God I serve... So in some odd way I thank the man who stole $15 from us.  "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" Genesis 50:20.  I don't think many lives are being saved by this experience, but in my own heart God has worked it for good and I adore HIM!

1 comment:

Nikolas Grosfield said...

I loved your post, guys. Very encouraging and challenging. I've had experiences like that in the past, too -- such as getting pick-pocketed in Ethiopia -- and God gently convicted me in some similar ways. He is so good!