Saturday, 20 July 2013

Oh today...

Woke up this morning... first day in several that it was cool with a sweet breeze blowing through our curtains.  Mmm... a day with little stickiness and humidity.  As typical, cereal made a great breakfast- Grape Nut Flakes, that is.  Reading the Bible in quiet on our couch is something that's precious and doesn't happen often on work days.  A walk to the Post Office to mail "lost" shoes to my nieces was a nice check off my list.  A trek to True Value scored a nice deal on Ortho bug (ant) killer.  $18.99 with a $9 mail-in rebate + a $5 off coupon = 1.5 gallons for 4 bucks...!  A long conversation with a good friend back home was special and lunch was string cheese, cherries, a NutriGrain bar and fruit snacks.  I made a promise to Jason I'd get our entry grouted this week.  So what do I do?  Wait till the last day of the week to start it, of course!  But accomplish that task I did, while listening to Taylor Swift on Pandora (yes, I like her music).  And now?  Jason's home and we relax together and get ready to take a walk.  Brats make for a nice, easy menu tonight. 

Good day home...

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