Tuesday, 22 July 2008


So I am sitting here in the office waiting for my coworkers to get back. I have a million and five things to get done but they all involve me not being in the office. I feel sorta frazzled at the moment. I have to go out and collect raffle donations from different businesses which requires me not being here; I have to complete building inspections, which requires me not being here; I have to check vacant units to make sure the caretakers cleaned them well, which requires me not being in here; I have to go check certain carpets and walls to see if they need to be replaced, cleaned, or repainted; I have to run to Office Depot to get supplies for turns; I have to run to Office Max to get office supplies. I have to assign the upcoming move-outs to caretakers and send them checklists, I have to complete SODA paperwork on move-outs, I have to write up violation letters, I have to figure out why certain residents owe small balances and fix accounts, I have to complete 'renewal' paperwork, I have to schedule painting and carepet cleaning. And the list goes on and on... AJKDHFOSHLSSLFJL! Anyways, on top of that I'm hungry. Why am I writing this? Because it helps me relieve stress and gives me a break, which I haven't taken yet.

On the other side of life (the part NOT involving work) it was great seeing everyone at Bible Study last night!! I feel like Jason and I have lately been so disconnected. We'll work on that- weekends should be less busy from now on.


Ali said...

yay!! that means we can hangout again! I'm sorry things are work are so rough. I'm thinking about quitting again, if that makes you feel better. I found out one of my friends at a different grad school is feeling the exact same as me and her husband is a PhD student too. I miss you Spring

Ali said...

yes let's hangout this weekend!