Man alive, snowing AGAIN! Can I just get a palm tree please, 80 degree weather, and the ocean? I can't describe how blissful that sounds right now. We keep thinking winter's going to pass...but it just lingers ooooooonnnnnnnn... But, okay, I'll try to be content in the continuing temps and absence of all things green and colorful.
We continue to walk through busy weeks here in Wisconsin. Jason's at camp right now working in the office and I'm here at home listening to Pandora. I was working on youth camp stuff earlier, but recently was overcome with an urge to blog. In a moment, I'll have devotions, which I'm seriously thirsty for right now. If I get ambitious enough maybe I'll work out later. Then... onto contemplating supper options.
Sometimes life gets overwhelming, for us so busy with ministry. You're doing things FOR Christ constantly, but when you fail to nourish yourself in His presence you drain out and though what you're doing still has meaning, you're not as effective or passionate. That about describes me in this moment, though I hate to admit it. Devotions with Jason and with other believers is so important, but I desperately NEED solitude in God's Word and prayer.
I'm so thankful Jesus set that example for me in His Word by going into the wilderness to pray. Oh what I would give to be able to walk outside and sit by a lake in prayer. But... for now, my living room will do the trick :)