Thursday, 26 July 2012


Lord, help me to use my time wisely.  When I'm swamped, teach me not to put my time with YOU on the back burner.  Teach me to prioritize it over all else.  My heart wants this and knows I desparately need this, but my brain pressures me to fulfill various obligations and responsibilities -even those that I place on myself.

I want to be faithful in prayer.  Teach me to make this more of a daily discipline. 

I love you!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Awed by Jesus...

"My happiness is found in less
Of me and more of You.
I have found the answer is
To love You and be loved by You alone.

You crucify me and the world to me
And I will only boast in You.

I'm so satisfied
At the thought of You
Growing up in me,
Covering everything"

There is nothing more worth living for than Jesus Christ.  Without Him my soul would be black and my future depressing and dark.  Without His grace... His love...without His righteousness and purity... I would be entirely lost.  Hopeless and helpless. 

He gave me joy and it continues pouring.  He solidifies within my heart His truth.  He calms my doubts and quiets my fears.  Anything and everything pure inside of me is on account of Him. And nothing more.   

He protects me from the one who's tried and continues in vain to destroy me.  When I wander, He calls me back.  When I fall into sins, He convicts me and delivers me from their grip.

I love Him.  I worship Him.  He is my God.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

5/1/2012 - What a day!!

Yesterday was quite the experience.  We heard weather updates (hypothetical thoughts) on the weather channel about storms that were coming in.  Yikers!  I say yikes because Jason and Brent recently tore down our house entry, put it up on blocks, completed laying and supporting the floor and for the past week it's been sitting like that exposed!  No walls- no roof.  Why?  With so much going on at camp, there just isn't a lot of time to pour into it.  Tarps were our only protection in keeping the rain out and, let me tell you, they didn't accomplish their job so well.  Soo... Monday night Brent came to help Jason "finish" the entry.  Their lofty goal was to have it entirely completed- roof and all- by Monday evening.  Not so!  However, they did get all the walls up and doors framed and did a great job.  Yesterday we had to (and by we, I mean Jason and I) completely build the roof- framing, ice guard, & tar paper. 

Jason was stressed- probably more stressed that I was his help!  It was difficult leveling everything out, but by 4pm FINALLY, we were ready to lay the sheeting on the roof.  We wondered, "How in the universe will the two of us do this?"  It would require one of us to sit on the roof tress, while the other lifted the large sheet of plywood over their head and up to the other person.  Yikes!  Before starting, we realized we were missing some metal roofing hangers and had to make a run to C & D (1 minute away).

God timing is PERFECT because right away, when we got back, a friend (a tall, strong guy named Todd), showed up unexpectedly to help!  And 5 minutes after that another friend, Brent, showed up to help too!  Wow...  We hadn't asked either of them to help and completely believe this was God's provision.  The timing was dead on.  He KNEW we needed them!  Within an hour and a 1/2, we had the sheeting up. 

Stapling and nailing the ice guard and tar paper down didn't take too long.  I can say with 100% certainty that I'm learning far more about construction than I ever imagined I would.  I can also say... it's fun! 

Last night we got hit by a storm hard.  We were nervous this morning as we drove to the house to check on it.  Would the entry still be standing?  Would the tar paper be torn off?  Would our work hold up?  And if it didn't hold up in the storm, what on earth did we do wrong? (as far as we knew we took EVERY precaution and step necessary- talked to construction guys, read construction books, had knowledgeable men working on it with us).

To our relief, it was perfectly intact- you couldn't even tell a storm had hit!  No leaks.  Nothing.  I suppose this is the purpose of a roof, but I guess when you build it yourself there's always the question...

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Oh Heavenly Father, Your command seems so astronomical, "Go and make disciples of all the nations."  Sometimes I feel like I'm trying but is it amounting to much?  Other times I fear I'm not trying enough.  I've known so many who have happily proclaimed a faith in You, but a few years down the road they've turned away completely.  I know others who proclaim Your name but their lives reflect the world more than Your Word.  My sphere of influence seems so minimal.  And my sinful nature and flesh lacks what it takes to be all that I desire for You.  It breaks my heart to see so many hurting youth.  And to see them chasing down worldly pleasures above Your heart.  It angers me to see satan's hold on their lives and the deception they've bought into.  You've asked me to pray, and I won't stop.  But I need Your strength and patience.  I think back to my younger years and of how patient You were with me.  I failed again and again and again, convinced You were angry at me for my sin.  Convinced I couldn't "make the cut."  But You were patient and throughout the years and every circumstance You pursued me until You revealed Your love to me in 2003 and opened wide my eyes to Your blood shed on the cross for my wickedness.  I found freedom in You for the first time.  You were so patient with me though I didn't deserve it.  And in the same way you're patient with everyone.  Keep transforming hearts, Father, and give me the wisdom to see that even when things aren't on my time frame, You're drawing people to Yourself.  Help me to be faithful in prayer and in what I can do for You.  I love You.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

3/21/2012- Progress!

Progress is being made on the house.  Yesterday the guys came out to raise our roof a foot (it was 7 ft.).  What a process!!  They continue working today.  We're praying and trusting God protects them.  This job has been done before but it's unusual.  Some may call us crazy, but we don't think so.  God provided this house through much prayer and very inexpensively.  We are putting some $ into "re-doing" it, but what we're contributing is so minimal to what we could've paid buying a "move-in ready" home  and quite truthfully, there aren't any homes in this area (in our price range) that are "move-in ready."  The labor is mostly being done by us.  We so desire to be good stewards of all God has provided. 

In today's culture people are accustomed to purchasing a "move-in" ready home and taking out a loan for it.  Many years ago, it was more common for families to build their own home.  That's just how it was done.  Neither avenue is wrong.  We're just taking the "old" route I guess. 

Time tends to be a major factor people don't build or remodel much.  We freely admit our time has been crunched lately.  Daytimes are spent at Camp involved in ministry there.  Evenings off are spent working on the house.  Day's off are spent working on the house.  But without kids yet, it's a feasible task.  And one that Jason's enjoying.  He's also enjoying the "man-time" with others who have so graciously sacrificed their time. 

I will post more pictures soon.  It'll be interesting to hear your reactions :) 

Once we're moved out in 2 weeks, the stress will majorly lighten.

Monday, 19 March 2012


Oh wow, my blog is getting away from me.  Really, TIME is getting away from me.  It's not easy for me to remember to update this thing.  A lot has happened since the last post.  I typed it in the middle of my dad's crisis.  God is so faithful and good.  His plan is perfect.  The day my dad had to leave his house, he got a full time job!!  And it's such a great job for him.  We made it over that bump in the road.  Onto the next!

Since then we've been so busy here at Camp, we bought a house (God's provision), we're revamping it, and needing to move out of our current rental home in a couple weeks.  Whew!  A lot to take in.  Each morning I wake up, "Okay, craziness again.  Prep yourself Spring!"  Next week all the staff here are headed to Camp's staff retreat at Fort Wilderness.  This will be 3+ REFRESHING days of fellowship and meetings surrounding the ministry here.  I'm so looking forward to it.   Then Jason's parents are coming to visit the week before we have to be out of our current rental home on April 6th.  I hope they're ready to jump on the craziness wagon with us!  We'll appreciate their help with the house and packing.

Today my agenda is... enter camper registrations & get caught up here in the office, then grab some boxes and get a-packin!  Maybe I'll walk over to the new house to help Jason sometime after 5pm.  Packing is never a fun job.  It's especially a downer when you're trying to shift through your stuff and someone elses.  The job becomes more time consuming and feels less productive no matter how much you accomplish.  Jason's job is the new house, mine is to pack the old :)

Something I'm thankful for today?  My health.  Our health!  Each day I wake up and I'm able to breathe and live comfortably.  I don't take this for granted.  Any day it could be taken away- I have zero control over my health.  But how can I use what I've been given for God's glory?  This is the question I will continually ask myself.  This is the question I ask myself today.

Friday, 20 January 2012


I can't think straight.  I have to control myself to steady the whirlwind of nagging thoughts streaming through my head.  I wish I could let them go, but it takes all the concentration in the world to replace them with anything else.  These moments of hardships though, while incredibly distressing, have a sweetness to them that's hard to explain.  It's in moments like these that I cling most tightly to Jesus and so clearly feel Him holding me with a grip I'm convinced will never loosen.   

Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the LORD,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40: 28-32

Thank you Lord, for how You carry your children.  Thanks for how you love so deeply and assure us of your faithfulness in moments when we need nothing more.   Help me to dwell on You and not on the earthly fears of what could transpire.  I need You... I always need You.

Love, Your daughter

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


I can't believe how time flies.  Or at how terrible I am at anything online.  Not having internet at home can be frustrating, yet a valuable thing because it hinders me from sitting hours on end in from of a computer screen!  Problem is, I rarely update anything. 

Needless to say, it's been some time since I've updated this blog.  And quite frankly, I just plain haven't had time!  December has been so busy here at camp.  And now, implementing the new registration software for the summer has me in the office more than normal for this time of year.  LOVE it though- it's super neat seeing how lives are changed and impacted through what God is doing here. 

It's 5:13pm and I'm in my cube at camp, waiting for Jason to finish up for the day.  Then we'll head home, get supper together, and head out to Spirit, WI to spend the evening with his uncle and cousins and his uncle's parents. 

Can you believe the weather?!  It's been outrageous!  Complete flip from last year!  I love the temps, but do wish we had more snow.  Having snow out at Camp in the winter plays a MAJOR part in our ministry here.  We do have snow, but it's scarce.  We are so thankful for the snow-making machines that were donated to camp a few years ago!  What would we have done this year without them!?

Well, I'll update more later.  When Jason's hungry, he's... well, hungry!  Gotta head home.  Blessings and here's a favorite passage...

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."

James 3: 13-18