Tuesday, 22 September 2009

New Life at Camp Forest Springs!

So... life here in Wisconsin is going great so far. The past three days have been incredible! We unloaded our 22-footer on Saturday and had so much unexpected help from several camp staff the minute we got in. Jason's parents and Matt Stiles drove up with us to help and what a BLESSING that was! All of the camp staff were SO welcoming to us and we were a bit overwhelmed because everyone knew who we were and we're still working on remembering names and faces! Monday was Jason's first day at work. I spent the day unpacking and got a bit lonely since I was by myself most of the day. But today has been better. Slowly I'll get plugged in here also. I spent all day helping staff wives with mailings. Tomorrow there's Womens' Bible Study for wives all morning, and Thursday it's back to stuffing and labeling envelopes! I'm excited though. I want to serve as much as I can and I want to know where God wants to use me.

Jason loves what he's learning so far. Steve is the accountant he's working with and Steve and his wife, Linda, are SO genuine and love Christ and this camp deeply. They've been a huge encouragement to us already! Jason's overwhelmed with all that Steve has on his plate. His statement when he got back yesterday was, "This camp would fall apart without Steve!" Hence the reason they brought Jason on :) Jason's excited to take away some of Steve's stress. I think they'll be a great team.

The land is beautiful here- we love it. No more noisy traffic and planes. I took a jog yesterday through some of the trails and had some time to reflect. I was reminded of how much I love being in God's creation. But despite that, every time I'm left in the forest alone I get this deep feeling of loneliness. I was praying and asking God why this is. I'd always thought nature made me feel closer to God... After praying and reflecting, I was reminded that the only creation of God's that had been created in His image is man. Nature is beautiful, and an amazing reflection of His handiwork, but it was not created in His image. Through this, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my need for companionship. I love nature but I crave companionship with those who've been created in the image of my Father.

I love it here because I get to be in God's creation, WHILE being surrounded by people. Jason and I are praying about how we can be involved with the community outside of camp also.

Alright, gotta go- I need to get caught up on the news!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 17 September 2009

On The Phone..........


In the process of getting ready to move, I recently noticed that my license expired a little less than a month ago! I haven't received anything in the mail regarding renewing it and don't make a habit of checking it's expiration date. SO.... in order to be able to get a license in WI, I have to pay for a valid one in MN....which seems odd since I'm leaving here in 3 days. I know its the "process" but I hate having to pay for a license in MN, only to have to pay for another in WI days after I get there.

So I'm on the phone....

Trying to get in contact with a PERSON, but thinking it's not gonna happen.

And nope, it's not happening, I give up....

I guess I'll just pay for two licenses within a week. Is it just me, or does this seem weird? Maybe I'm just grumpy for having to pay money for both...