Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Tuesday, 14 April 2009


Jason and I are ecstatic! We're goin on another trip. Another trip to AZ. Even though no one probably cares, I want to share what our trip will be like. We just finished planning and putting it all together this past weekend so it's fresh on my mind. In 3 weeks, the first week of May, we're heading into Pheonix, AZ. We'll fly into Pheonix on the 1st and my brother, his wife, and our new little neice will meet us at the airport. We'll drive to Flagstaff, AZ (which is where they live) and spend the weekend with them. Since my brother can't afford to take work off, we're renting a car in Flagstaff for the whole week and on Monday we're heading out in our rental car and making the 8 hour drive to Colorado Springs, where we have a hotel booked for 4 days. We're going to explore the mountains! We're going to spend Tuesday at Pikes Peak and either Wed. or Thurs. take the 2 hour drive to Rocky Mountain National Park to explore some more. I loooove the mountains. Something about them overwhelms me with awe for God..... On either Thursday or Friday we're driving back to Flagstaff. We'll spend the weekend with my brother and sis-in-law again and hopefully climb Mt. Humphrey (the tallest Mt. in AZ). Then Sunday we'll fly back to MN. We're excited :)

Jason will then be done with school (except for 1 summer class) and will hopefully get a full-time job, God-willing. Then we'll work work work to pay off our student loans. Prayerfully, within 2 years, we'll be free of debt! Then we'll seriously pray and think about moving.

God is great :) This past Easter we stayed home and didn't go see any family. It was amazing. More than ever I was able to meditate on what Christ did. Friday night was incredible and Jason and I had a candle-lit time of prayer and reading on the crucifixion. Sunday was so joyous and for the first real time I was able to praise Him on Easter Sunday without Easter holiday distractions. It was amazing. Every Easter as I grow closer to Jesus Christ, Easter becomes more and more meaningful. It's easily become my favorite holiday. God is amazing :)

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Flower Metaphor

Okay so I HAVE to share this because God showed me something simple this morning- simple but to me an amazing realization. On Valentine's Day (like forever ago) Jason bought me 2 gardenia plants in little pots. When I got them they looked ready to bloom into flowers- they had buds and everything. They're high-maintenance plants (require watering every day, direct sunlight, and they need water to be sprayed on them daily). I've been trying and trying to get the buds to bloom. But they continually fall off. It's been aggravating! Latey I've been closely watching a particular bud because it's gotten larger than any buds before it. Well, this morning I woke up and after certain morning routines I went to water the plants again. I reached to pick up one of the pots and nearly fell over- A gorgeous white flower had bloomed overnight! I know it sounds stupid, but you don't even understand how excited that made me! I kept repeating to myself, "It's beautiful, it's beautiful, it's beautiful...." After realizing how ridiculously happy it made me. God spoke to my heart. "Spring, maybe now you can understand how ecstatic I get when you bloom... when you produce fruit for me." There's a reason God uses the "fruit producing" metaphor in His Gospels, and today God enabled me to understand how perfect and beautiful that metaphor is. He tries and tries to prune me and too often I fail and fail to bloom. I want to produce flowers for my Savior!

Some may think this is cheesy, but I don't think so. God speaks to us, and sometimes in silly ways :)

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

God PLEASE guide our future....

For the first time, we're having to think about where God actually wants us. For so long Jason was in school and we were simply waiting for him to finish. Now we can actually see the finish line, but once we pass it we're not sure where to venture from there. Where do you want us God? We don't want to be anywhere but where You want us... Can you PLEASE write something on this wall I'm staring at? That'd be nice. Make it obvious to us, and we'll go where You're calling us to go, we'll do what You want us to do.

I have this fear....I have this fear of not living my life to it's fullest for the One who gave His life for me. I have this fear of entering Heaven, knowing I failed to manifest the depth of my love for my Savior and God. Life on earth is my opportunity. It's my chance to show God my adoration of Him through the life that I live. It's my chance to do my part in leading others into His Amazing Kingdom.

What if I fail? What if I die and most of my life I lived for myself? I shudder at that thought. I shudder not because I fear God will strike me down, but at the thought that I never fully gave Him my heart. Fully giving Him my heart means fully giving Him my life- every part of my life. Lord, teach me to give everything to You. As I grow older, PLEASE hold me closer and closer. Allow me to understand more of who You are.

We want to live our lives for Christ. And so we're asking, "Lord, where do You want us?" I see so many believers lose sight of faith as they get older. People get tied up in life, tied up in their jobs, tied up in accumulating possessions, tied up in the "American dream," tied up in their families. Their passion for Christ is lost. Their passion for the lost...is lost. And so Jason and I have this fear....that life and time and money and jobs will fog our vision of eternity, as it has for so many. So, Lord, plan our futures for us. Show us where to go. Show us what to do. And enable us to put our selfish desires aside. We love You.