Monday, 15 June 2009

Amazing Friends

I should write more on my blog. Jason and I are thinking about "combining" blogs so he can share some of his thoughts from time to time. We'll see. I'm not convinced many people read blogs, so it's kind of a therapy and "processing" exercize I just enjoy doing for my own mental development. And then there are times I simply get excited about whatever, and blab on about that to who knows who.

This weekend my ex-roommates and I from Northwestern had a weekend "reunion" in Fargo. It was incredible having a girls' weekend of doing nothing but estrogen-oriented activities. And I miss those girls so much.

I love those friendships- the kind that remain the same regardless of time and distance. It's an incredible feeling to simply "go back in time," picking up where you left off as if nothing happened and no time lapsed between.

On Saturday we played tennis for hours. Jenn is a tennis coach and she was "coaching" Sarah and I how to become better tennis players. And now I'm obsessed with the sport. Jenn is incredible and has always been, so is Sarah- it's beautiful watching friends grow up, seeing how God's been shaping them...where He's bringing them....seeing how He's using their qualities you've always loved, for His glory.

I love it :)

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