Thursday, 9 April 2009

Flower Metaphor

Okay so I HAVE to share this because God showed me something simple this morning- simple but to me an amazing realization. On Valentine's Day (like forever ago) Jason bought me 2 gardenia plants in little pots. When I got them they looked ready to bloom into flowers- they had buds and everything. They're high-maintenance plants (require watering every day, direct sunlight, and they need water to be sprayed on them daily). I've been trying and trying to get the buds to bloom. But they continually fall off. It's been aggravating! Latey I've been closely watching a particular bud because it's gotten larger than any buds before it. Well, this morning I woke up and after certain morning routines I went to water the plants again. I reached to pick up one of the pots and nearly fell over- A gorgeous white flower had bloomed overnight! I know it sounds stupid, but you don't even understand how excited that made me! I kept repeating to myself, "It's beautiful, it's beautiful, it's beautiful...." After realizing how ridiculously happy it made me. God spoke to my heart. "Spring, maybe now you can understand how ecstatic I get when you bloom... when you produce fruit for me." There's a reason God uses the "fruit producing" metaphor in His Gospels, and today God enabled me to understand how perfect and beautiful that metaphor is. He tries and tries to prune me and too often I fail and fail to bloom. I want to produce flowers for my Savior!

Some may think this is cheesy, but I don't think so. God speaks to us, and sometimes in silly ways :)

1 comment:

Katrina Custer said...

That is beautiful, Spring. It reminds me I need to keep my eyes and my heart open for his voice in the little things throughout the day.