Jason was asked to speak on Colossians 3, but soon realized he would need to change his agenda based on where the kids were spiritually. He shared the Gospel with them all throughout the week and he, Clark, and Anna shared their testimonies. God was right there with us all throughout the week. We bonded as a group and trust was built. It felt like we all became family.
These kids needed desparately to hear about God's love for them- that God doesn't cause the pain we experience in life. It's sin and the consequences of ours and other's that causes us pain. God wants to carry us through it and we CAN trust Him.
I could go on and on with stories of how we were challenged, how the kids were challenged, one-on-one conversations we had with them, ways that God showed Himself to them for the first time... but I'll only share one.
We had a girl in our group who was in foster care. Her heart was in so much pain over things she's been through and on the first day she told us that God takes away our joy to get the glory for Himself. She was very quiet and always chose the picnic table and seat farthest away from anyone. After Day #1 she wanted to go home. I talked with her and shared my testimony with her, telling her of God's love for her- she listened. All week she intently listened when Jason spoke. All of what we were sharing was new to her and she was soaking it in. As the week went on she began to smile more. She began to interact more and you could tell she was having so much fun. On day 3 she asked us if Camp ever had a month-long camp!! On Friday, we debriefed with the kids. Jason asked them what their highs were for the week and what they had learned about God. We didn't expect Mariah to share much because of her personality, but when she opened her mouth and began to speak, tears flooded my eyes.
She said that week the counselors testimony's meant a lot to her. To know she wasn't the only one experiencing pain and that God can bring her through her pain in the same way they brought us through ours, was very powerful to her. And she told us a story, but before I tell it, I must rewind a bit...
On day #2 of the trip, one of our trip leaders, Adam, lost his $70 watch while we were having chicken fights in the lake. He was devastated and asked us all to help him search for it. After searching and searching and then leaving so that water could settle, and coming back to search some more, we all gave up. And Adam concluded he'd never find the watch and that was that.
Mariah told us that the next day while we were all playing again in the water and no one was thinking about the watch, she prayed to God- for the 1st time ever- that God would help someone find Adam's watch. FIVE minutes later a girl from our group stepped on his watch and found it!
This was so profound to her! And it brought me to tears how God works to bring people to Him in such simple but piercing ways. That night we gave her a Bible and while all the other girls were painting their nails, she was on her bunk reading Scripture. That night, after lights went out, she had her flashlight and was still reading.
Another girl from our group is going to start coming to church with us every other Sunday- when she's not with her dad.
God moves, even when we can't always see it. He's working to draw people to Himself. And that was so evident this week. Keep living for Him in your workplaces- keep sharing your testimony with unbelievers. No matter how stupid or useless you may think you're words are- God will use them in ways you may never know.
Here are some pictures from the trip...